Mine Crypto From Your Phone

How The Process Works


1. Each crypto application has a link within the page we have linked.  

2. Most apps have you login every day and click a button to earn crypto.  

3. Time always tells whether you really get something or not but I've actually done pretty good on some of the apps I have used.


Download App to Phone

Sign Up Using Referral Code

Login Daily
to Earn

Check Out the Following Apps: 




The Ember Fund app allows you to mine bitcoin on a daily basis. 

Refferal Code: 17430PQHN
Download At: https://emberfund.onelink.me/ljTI/bce 33290?mining_referrer_id=17430



The Nodle app uses bluetooth technology combined with IOT where you can earn NODL tokens.


Refferal Code: 6kvgwhg

Download At:




The Nodle app uses bluetooth technology combined with IOT where you can earn NODL tokens.


Refferal Code: 6kvgwhg

Download At:



Do You Have Apps You are Not Seeing Here?


Please share any apps that you do not see here but think are viable as cell phone crypto mining apps. 




Contact Us at Jeremy@block70.com or directly by phone at 1-636-829-8956.